The FRIENDS programs are Australian developed, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based programs, acknowledged by the World Health Organisation, as best practice for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression, promoting resilience in families, schools and communities.

Rising through Friends Resilience

03:27 minutes
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Friends Resilience Courses

The FRIENDS programs are Australian developed, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based programs, acknowledged by the World Health Organisation, as best practice for the prevention and treatment of anxiety and depression, promoting resilience in families, schools and communities.

Fun Friends

Ages 4 - 7

The Fun FRIENDS Program, developed by Dr Paula Barrett, helps guide the social and emotional development of children aged 4 to 7 by using fun, play-based group activities. Through teaching children to engage with resilience skills early in their development, Fun FRIENDS encourages a smooth transition into school life for four to seven year-olds. Fun FRIENDS nurtures the child’s development, encouraging them to thrive.

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Friends For Life

Ages 8 - 11

FRIENDS for Life is a social skills and resilience building program that has been recognised by the World Health Organisation as an effective means to prevent anxiety for children aged 8-11. It is proven to reduce anxiety and provide participants with the tools to rise to life’s challenges, and make the most of setbacks and adversity. FRIENDS for Life also improves participants’ social and emotional skills, ability to focus, confidence, and the capacity to relax and regulate emotions.

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My Friends Youth

Ages 12 - 15

My FRIENDS Youth is a group-based program that equips participants with the necessary tools to overcome new challenges that are commonly experienced by the 12- to 15-year old’s.
This program empowers early-teens to deal with stressful situations by normalising the state of anxiety and teaching self-regulation by the “Emotion Thermometer” concept. It also develops self-confidence by arming participants with positive and creative strategies to problem solve challenges and setbacks in every area of their lives. My FRIENDS Youth is evidence-based and has been proven by research to decrease anxiety and depression in adolescents.

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Adult Resilience

Ages 16 - 18+

The Adult Resilience program provides positive coping and resilience skills for those aged 16+. The human brain is capable of constant change and it is never too late to learn new positive skills. The Adult Resilience program is also taught to parents to increase their resilience and coping skills and ensure that the FRIENDS “language” is be spoken at home. If the whole family participates, then everyone will flourish.

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